7th heaven gallery

7th Heaven Gallery

Without wishing to paraphrase Victor Hugo, Franck Bailleul defines the sky as “the true emergence of Elsewhere, of Immensity; it observes us with the eyes of the invisible, it offers the mind a limitless expanse in which to take flight, it is the place of a blazing encounter with infinity”. This is a gallery that reflects the need to lose oneself in madness in order to better find oneself… The artist invites us on a “journey to the end of life”

Spirit Gallery

Spirit Gallery

This is the most spiritual of the galleries and reflects the questionings that the artist shares with each and every one of us. Why do we have a need for the beautiful or the ugly, good or evil, the strong or the weak, light or dark, heat or cold? These skies painted by instinct aim to open our eyes to the fundamental aspects of our life in all of its fragility and incoherence.

Contemplation gallery

Contemplation Gallery

To contemplate is to love, to experience the warmth of existence, to appreciate the variety of life on earth, the immensity of its riches, of its colours, forms, movements and feelings… For this gallery, Franck Bailleul creates skies in a state of change, an invitation to enjoy the present moment.

“The sky exists in order to remind us the truth of existence is in flux; nothing and everything exist at the same time.”

Exhibition at Galerie de Nesles, April 2015